Falooda with vanilla basil seeds and rose syrup Recipe, best for your holiday refreshment.

here's what I found:


- 4 dl milk
- 4 tbsp. white cream
- 2 tbsp. rose syrup
- sugar
- 2 tbsp. basil seed (Tukmaria)
- 4 tbsp. tsp cornflour
- Vanilla ice cream


- Soak the basil seeds or seeds of Tukmaria until they are nicely inflated.
- Dissolve a little cold milk with the cornstarch.
- Bring the remaining milk to a boil, mix with sugar and thicken with the cornstarch.
- Cook a few moments.
- Pour mixture into cups with a little syrup of roses in the background, and sprinkle over the seeds Tukmaria and cream.

- One can also serve over vanilla ice balls

image via supertoinette.com

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